
Have the relationship you always wanted

Our Evolve Relating Membership offers you the knowledge and tools that will help you deeply understand intimacy so you can create the relationship you most desire… all for less than the cost of one therapy or coaching session a month!

Evolve your Intimacy

Become a Co-Creator

You are here because you know that truly thriving and co-creative relationships are possible.

The kind of relationships where you support each other into growing and healing, feeling seen, heard and connected... AND sharing passionate love.

You are done with getting into relationships with the wrong people, or doing it wrong with the right people, the lack of mutual growth, the endless conflict, the cycles of pain, hurt and disappointment!

You yearn to be fully met in ALL of you.

You are ready for so much more.

And we are here to create it with you.

Be met in your Journey

Immerse yourself in the work, and experience the benefits as you powerfully transform from the inside out

How many courses have you started and not finished?

How often have you felt the excitement while in a workshop or course, only for it to fade when it ends?

This is why we created the Evolve Relating membership.

“The environment you immerse yourself in has the strongest influence on who you become”

Whether you are new to personal development, or have been journeying for a while, it is unarguable that your most powerful growth comes when you are surrounded by those who see you, support you and lift you up.

The Evolve Relating membership is a container and crucible designed for YOUR healing, growth and evolution,

All you have to do is show up, and we will be with you every step of the way.

Enter into a Living Map of Transformation

Modern day relationships are complex.

The demands, deires and expectations we now place upon each other relationally are coming to surpass anything we’ve seen culturally up until now.

No wonder that so many relationships fail.

The challenges we face when attempting to partner with another are significant and multi-layered.

  • Not only do we need to feel attraction and chemistry, we also need to feel safe and secure
  • Not only do we need to feel grounded and stable, we also need to grow and evolve
  • Not only do we want to feel balanced and equal, we also want hot polarity
  • We want to feel seen and heard and deeply connected but also not lose ourselves

We want our partners to heal with us, grow with us, evolve with us.

We want deep intimacy, passionate lovemaking and co-creation.

You want to understand intimacy
You want to understand women
You want to understand men
You want to know how it all works!

There are so many elements now needed to fulfil when partnering with another.

How do you possibly manage all of that?

Our education system teaches us nothing about relationships

And there is so much conflicting and static information out there

Most of it not understanding just how dynamic, complex and evolving you are

To have the kinds of deep relationship we know are possible
We need the skills to co-create them

The more we want from our relationships, the more capable we must be to create it

Incredible relationships don’t just magically happen without any effort

Like anything worthwhile, we must practice.

Yet WHAT and HOW we practice makes all the difference.

You can have the relationship you want
You just have to know how to create it

The Evolve Relating Membership is designed to for this.

The Membership covers the five key aspects of

evolutionary relationships:

  • Self: Nervous system regulation & Boundaries
  • Other: Authentic Relating communication skills
  • Bonding: Reclaiming a secure attachment
  • Polarity: Masculine-feminine dynamics & beyond
  • Awakening: Relationship as a path of divine union

Each of these aspects is made up of a number of different skills that altogether create the deep skillset of relationship.

Just like a dancer needs to master many skills within their craft... like technique, rhythm & timing, coordination, footwork, posture, expression, strength & endurance, fine motor skills, partnering, improvisation, stage presence... and more.

So too does relationship require the mastery of many skills to dance it with grace and elegance.

It's not just one skill, it's many.

Each holding immense potency to radically transform and elevate our experience of love and connection.

The Evolve Relating Membership is a space where you will understand how relationships work and how to master these skills....

All so you get to have more time enjoying love and less time struggling with it.

Benefits of joining

Evolve Relating for…

Our community container is safe, supportive, empowering and inclusive.
We will meet you at your edge and take you further.
Anxious. Avoidant. Masculine. Feminine. Newbie. Veteran... all embraced.

Single & Evolving

Prepare for your best relationship yet! Learn the skills and tools to find the right person, go as deep as you want with them and create something truly magical


Gain the support and practices to overcome challenges, open vulnerably, heal your wounds, grow new capacities together and enter your next phase of intimacy.

Women & Men

Regardless of how you identify, this work will meet you where you are and offer you the understanding and tools to create passionate, thriving and long-lasting relationships.

Single & Healing

Bad relationships can leave many scars… yet with the right nurturing and perspective, pain can be transformed into a beautiful blossoming and reawakening.

How the LIVE membership works...

The Evolve Relating Membership is designed in a unique way to most efficiently empower your growth

In order to really effectively create transformation within us, we need to practice skills intentionally and with depth of focus over time.

Flittering from one thing to another never allows us to gain any momentum

Yet staying with one thing too long can create stagnation and frustration

The sweet-spot is finding the right balance between consistency and expansion

The LIVE part of this membership flows in a tri-weekly rhythm

Long enough to go deep

Short enough to build momentum

The next new exciting skill... just around the corner

These tri-weekly cycles, we call "Spirals"

Every Spiral introduces a new relating principle

And a set of powerful practices and skills to embody the principle

Each Spiral follows the same format:

  • Week 1: Activate... new content, solo practices + collective activation & inquiry
  • Week 2: Deepen... submerge in the content through potent partner practices
  • Week 3: Integrate... group coaching, community reflection, sharing & integration

This membership is designed around a "non-linear curriculum"

What this mean is that all the content is synergistic and interwoven rather than hierarchical.

You can join the membership anytime and dive right into the topic we are exploring, with no prerequisites, no content you have to watch first.

The IMMERSION tier of the membership has additional deep-dive courses for those who really want to immerse in the transformative experience. There are currently 9 courses available, and more to come!

The entire unfolding curriculum fits together like a puzzle rather than a pyramid

Each new piece you discover unlocks upgraded capacities and potentials

As you join this ever-expanding journey

A true evolution in relational intelligence, and the long-lasting co-creative love it brings you.

Your Intimacy Timeline

Mastering relationship is just like mastering anything worthwhile...

It takes time, effort, consistency and dedication.

Yet just like any craft, if you show up and put in the energy, your growth is guaranteed.

Your relationships will evolve, deepen and unfold into beautiful new experiences that you once dreamed about.

The first 3 weeks

It takes at least 21 days to create a new habit.
Our tri-weekly "Spirals" are designed to instil a new pattern and relational skill in you every three weeks.
3 weeks in... you will begin to feel this change.

3 months

As you stay with this work, a new template emerges as you are beginning to learn to organically synthesise skillsets across a wide spectrum of relating.
Your understanding of how your nervous system, boundaries, attachment and polarity all interrelate is deepening.

9 months

The gestation time for your new human life.
Your relationships will be significantly more easeful.
Your relating skills will be more graceful than ever before.
Your triggers melting away and trauma releasing from your system.
Your polarity expanding as something you have conscious around.

1 year & beyond

Experience an entire restructuring of your relational blueprint.
Radically enhanced experiences of intimacy emerge.
You understand how to create deep safety AND wild passion as your attachment system becomes secure.
Your relationships become a vehicle for profound love and growth.

The Evolve Relating LIVE membership includes:

Triweekly 'Spirals'

New content is presented every three weeks in our "non-linear curriculum".
Be in a live crucible of transformation, skill development and relational upgrades.

Theory and practices in service of your evolution.

Live Practice Classes

To grow relationally, we need to practice relationally.
These classes allow you to develop new skills by exploring and practicing with peers.

These partner practices WILL grow you.

Masterclasses & Workshops

Every 6-8 weeks we take a deeper dive into an Evolve Relating topic in a live workshop or masterclass. You get access to all of them.

Join live or watch the recordings.

Community of Peers

The community is your space. Meet people live in classes, continue the conversation in discussion and chat. Get your questions answered. Celebrate your growth. Evolve together. You are not alone!

Group Coaching

Drop-in and receive guidance on your unique challenges and growth path. Your input influences the direction in which this program unfolds. Your personal evolution matters.

And More…

This membership program is designed to also evolve. There is much more to be revealed… the membership will grow with you, and all the beautiful participants who join.

Live classes in the Secure Intimacy membership

And you also get access to live drop in classes every week!
Learn the course content in an ongoing facilitated container.
Meet other community members.
Access ALL new material!

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And receive immediate access to all of the classes above, and so much more.


When your relationships heal, your life changes.

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Name Surname

Position, Company name

"I’m starting to experience levels of intimacy I only dreamed were possible, in all my relationships and with myself. I see so many shifts in how my lover and I relate, the beauty of it makes me cry."

Rachel Bull

Somatic Guide

"I decided to do this work because I noticed that people who had, had changed dramatically for the better in their relating skills. Damien creates a space that is both edgy and safe, moving us beyond established paradigms... into new realms of relating and intimacy"

Andreas Notarpietro


"Damien’s work is an incredible study on the nature of intimacy & secure relating. He has a remarkable way of opening this field up to to new layers of insight that go far beyond the fairly fixed ideas we see in the mainstream. His work has hugely impacted my personal & professional practice as a devotee of the intimate arts and as a facilitator and coach."

Alex Mischka

Men’s Coach

"This has been a revelation that reshaped the way I connect with people. If you're seeking a journey of self-discovery, and want more fulfilling relationships, Evolve Relating is your compass. An investment in yourself that weaves transformative threads."

Denise Ferris


"I wish i had known 20 years ago that this work is soooo essential. My lover suddenly feels soft and surrendered in my clarity, safe in how i hold our container with her in mind...Beautiful, expanding, grounding....This is much needed on my life's journey... Highly recommend."

Patrick Wolf

Film work-flow Analyst

Pricing Options

Get immediate access to the membership

Evolve Relating LIVE
Membership is closed until August 2024

Spots remaining
All new content every 3 weeks
Live practice classes
Group coaching
Access to all past Spiral content
All upcoming & past Masterclasses
Interactive thriving community

*Pay weekly, monthly or quarterly

(Discount applied on quarterly subscriptions)

Evolve Relating IMMERSION
Membership is closed until August 2024

Spots remaining
Everything contained in LIVE
9 complete courses (see list below)
All upcoming scheduled courses
Self-study course portal
Bonus 20 minute 1:1 with Damien
Best option for those who want it all

You may downgrade to, or upgrade from, LIVE anytime .

*Pay weekly, monthly or quarterly (discount on quarterly)

Have any questions?

Evolve Relating LIVE Couples
Membership is closed until August 2024

Spots remaining
All new content every 3 weeks
Live practice classes
Group coaching
Access to all past Spiral content
All upcoming & past masterclasses
Interactive thriving community

*Pay monthly or quarterly

(Discount applied on quarterly subscriptions)

Evolve Relating IMMERSION Couple
Membership is closed until August 2024

Spots remaining
Everything contained in LIVE
9 complete courses (see list below)
All upcoming scheduled full courses
Self-study course portal
Bonus 20 minute 1:2 with Damien
Access to all content for 2 people

You may downgrade to, or upgrade from, LIVE anytime .

*Pay monthly or quarterly (discount on quarterly)

Have any questions?

Email us

Intimacy Package

Fill out this form to apply to work privately with Damien Bohler to develop your Secure Intimacy.

Let us know a little bit about you and where you are most wanting to grow. You will be contacted via email or message asap.

Get access to this masterclass
Plus 9 complete courses
Monthly Live Practice Classes
Monthly Group Coaching
Full Community Access
Bonus 1:1 Welcome Session with Damien

Fill out form

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Your guide (for now... more to come soon)

Damien Bohler

Founder & Facilitator

Damien is the founder of Evolve Relating. He has been facilitating, teaching and coaching for 10+ years. His gift is in the synthesising of complex concepts into practical ways to grow. He weaves together authentic relating, attachment theory, polarity and awakening techniques into a holistic system of relational transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your most common questions answered

How much time will it take to participate?

That's really up to you.

We've created this membership in a way that it can be as active an experience as you need it to be.

At minimum you could invest an 20-30 minutes a week following a lesson or doing a practice.

Or you can show up to classes and really immerse yourself in the experience.

However much you participate, the reality is you will be learning relational skills and concepts that you can easily apply to your day-to-day life, which is where the transformation will occur.

Can I join anytime?

Yes you can.

This membership is designed in a special way so that you can join anytime and find your feet quickly.

Our onboarding sequence guides you quickly into understanding your way around the platform, and where to start.

Everything inside the membership is interconnected and our curriculum is intentionally designed to be non-linear and non-hierarchical.

Depending on when you join, there will be peers who have been in for a while to guide and support you, as you will be able to for others in time if you so choose.

When you are ready, we are here.

Can I meet people in this membership?


We are a respectful, polite and safe community... and we also encourage connection.

You will meet people on live calls and in the discussion space. You will also be encouraged to reach out and practice with others if you wish to also.

If you stay a while, you are certain to make friends, and maybe even meet someone who could be more...

Do you offer refunds?

No, there are no refunds once you subscribe.

You may cancel at any time though.

However, we are certain you are going to want to stay a while once you get to fully experience what's inside! ;) 

Is it easy to cancel if it's not for me?

Yes, it's easy to cancel.

In our welcome sequence we show you exactly how to manage your membership, and changing the payment frequency, upgrading or downgrading your membership tier, or ending your subscription is as easy as two clicks!

I live in ___ timezone, are there classes for me?


Most of our live sessions repeat at two different timezones that manage to cover most major areas across the US, Europe and Australasia.

As we grow, even more timezones and classes will become available.

How does the community work?

This is something we are very excited about!

There is an entire community platform dedicated to holding this container.

Forums, chat spaces, articles, classes, private messaging.. better than Facebook guaranteed!

The community is also moderated so that it is a truly safe and healing space for everyone.

Will I have lifetime access to the content and/or courses?

No, as this is subscription based.

You will only have access to the courses, live classes, community and recordings as long as you stay in the membership.

If you stay in the IMMERSION membership for more than 3 months though, when you do leave, you will be able to purchase any courses you'd like to retain access to for a 50% discount

Are the live sessions recorded?

Some of them, yes.

Workshops & Masterclasses, Group Coaching, and the practice instructions from the Live classes are recorded.

Recordings available within 24 hours.

When will I receive access?


As soon as your payment is processed you will be able to create a profile in our community and access all courses straight away.

You will be able to RSVP and join any upcoming live classes, post and interact in the community and immerse yourself in the journey.

Your evolution is calling you...

The relationship you have been dreaming of awaits you, are you ready?